Tuesday 1 December 2015





Technical Evaluation

I found that from technical lessons in this unit my skills have advanced, not a lot of makeup artists have the opportunity to be taught about prosthetics and therefore found it really beneficial. When I started the term I was completely new to special effects makeup and went in only knowing a few things from lessons in first year. During our technical lessons I made sure that I wrote down everything that was said and payed key attention otherwise I would have really struggled. I had no idea the process that went into making silicone moulds, and am really glad that I have learnt this skill; for example learning about measuring about Silicone A&B and making sure the measurements were right to make the mould. Also during the lessons learning about cross contamination, that when handling the silicones having to be really careful; changing gloves, labelling sticks and wearing a mask when using Petrolease and fixing spray. I found learning about cross contamination really worthwhile because even I don’t want to go into the prosthetics industry I can use this for anything in makeup as it is such an important part. The technical side to special effects plays such a big part, I took so much time to design my mould to then create them not knowing whether it would turn out right. Taking my time, not rushing anything helped. If I made a mistake I wouldn’t be too far ahead and could just figure out how to correct it. I struggled mostly with blending away edges of the flat piece with alcohol, it took a long time to make sure it blended into the skin and I felt that with both of my assessments I should have taken more time to make sure it looked as seamless as possible. 

Brave New World Evaluation

Overall I found the Brave New World unit interesting and challenging, I learnt some really useful new skills that I will be able to take with me for when I enter the industry. Although I enjoyed having the opportunity to learnt how to apply prosthetic makeup I have learnt that I don’t want to go into the prosthetic industry, which has been beneficial to learn early on. I really enjoyed learning about the background of special effects makeup and the different ways they used as many different materials as possible to achieve looks they wanted without using silicone. I found it quite challenging remembering the different measurements for the silicone moulds and having to make sure they were all correct, I aimed to solve these problems by writing down the measurements on my phone so every time I had to measure out the silicone I was using the right amount. I liked that the unit was split into 2, the first part creating our wounds I enjoyed learning about how different guns and where they are shot from can impact the skin in different ways. For the second part; I found creating our hybrids more exciting, although challenging to create I really enjoyed seeing my design go from paper to creating my character in class.  I am really glad that I had the opportunity to try out special effects, and even though I will not be pursuing a career in the industry I still felt it was really beneficial. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

Assessment Evaluation

I found my assessment very challenging. With my design having scales it was very thin and could easily break. Although I found the application of the pieces difficult I really enjoyed painting the skin, for my design I had a yellow base and then around the edges blended green into it. I also plaited the hair in two for a scaly kind of look and blended the colours into the hair. I found the application hard because I feel that I hadn’t had a lot of practise at using the silicone mould, I could have improved this by practising more with the silicone to ensure I was happy with my final outcome. The main problem I faced was making sure the silicone was blended into the skin and appeared seamless. I overcame this in the end by using wax and blending that into the silicone and skin. These new skills that I have learnt will help me for the future and I am really glad that I completed my look to the best of my ability. I really enjoyed learning about how to make the moulds and the whole process that is involved, when I first started the term I had no idea the process would be so intricate and detailed and therefore have learnt some really good new skills. 

Friday 27 November 2015

My Lizard Hybrid

Now that I have decided what kind of animal I would like to incorporate into my design I then looked at what aspects of that animal will be a part of my design. The most obvious part is going to be the green scales, but I also looked at the different types and look of scales that I would incorporate. The Chameleon and knight anole lizards both have a bright green colour to them with some yellow aspects blending in, therefore in my design I am going to have a yellow base and then for the green to fade out to where the scales begin. I also thought that I might add contact lenses but I still want my hybrid to have some human aspects so may not use them. I want my lizard to have a smooth kind of texture and not rough, as though if someone were to touch it it would be smooth and snake skin like not rough.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Hybrid Assessment

This is my favourite image from my assessment, I took quite a lot of images and played around with the camera settings until I got what I wanted. I really like the way the light catches the colour, and you can really see the green blending into the yellow tones. I really like how the scales and the darker green tones blend into the hair, but if I could of changed something about this design I might of used a bald cap and carried the scales back further.