Sunday, 15 November 2015

Process of making my hybrid mould- part 3

Remove the silicone mould from the cup and plastic tray
2.       Clean the mould with alcohol and a cotton pad/baby bud to get the fine details
3.       Use the ratio 1 baldiez: 2 alcohol and measure out
4.       Once the silicone mould is clean spray with petrolease, make sure you wear a protective mask and do this by a window or outside.

5.       Then apply 2/3 layers of the 1:2 ratio with a brush to mould making sure to get into all the crevices, cool with a hair dryer (on cool setting)
Then measure out 20g of Gel A and B following the steps in the previous post, making sure to change gloves and use different sticks to prevent any contamination.
·         Measure out 25g of the deadener 
·         Once mixed together add a pigment to get the correct colour for where the mould is going to be placed on the skin. (take into consideration models skin tone or the design of hybrid)

·         Fill the mould with the product, then using something like a ruler or with a smooth edge flatter out the edges and make sure the whole mould is covered with the mixture and is seamless. 

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